During IBM's anual Cloud and Mobile conference, the Internet melted due to #TheDress. This was serendipitous given IBM's successful ad campaign, staring and narrated by the actor Dominic Cooper. Throughout the ad series, from the Ad agency The Ogilvy Group, IBM promotes their Hyperfocus on Public Cloud coupled with their legacy of Enterprise experience and expertise.
One of the IBM Cloud ads feature a hamster, likening it to the sometimes viral nature of the Internet and how such a phenomenon could impact business critical services which may be running on the same Cloud infrastructure. I liken this to #TheDress, which not only melted the Internet but also most major news outlets, covering the story in leu of 'real news' such as the FCC Net Neutrality Ruling.
Here is my open request to IBM and The Ogilvy Group, please make an ad for IBM Enterprise Cloud services featuring #TheDress. I've put together the following picture to help get you started :-).
If you are not familiar with the ad, you can view it below:
The IBM Cloud lets you choose to have public, private or hybrid clouds, depending on your business needs. Today, there's a new way to work and it's made with #IBMCloud. Learn more at ibm.com/cloud